To non-Snape fans
I've noticed that now not only Snape-fans visit my site,
but also more and more HP fans due to the Half-Blood Prince
book. First of all, let me thank you for
visiting me! Why a special message? Because I'd like people to
understand something essential about my web site: I do analyze facts and
such, however, I also allow myself to expression opinions. I
do so because it's my way of helping people
understand Snape's motivations, especially when
it comes to characters that bother him like
Harry. Why? Because I myself am much of a Snappish
person. I call myself a 'happy Snape' but a
Snappish person still with similar opinions
though have no fear, I do not insult people like Severus!
Nor do I show open disdain unless I'm
talking about complete dunderhead strangers while not in their presence.
In any case, my analysis are half objective
(from my neutral and logical point of view), and
half subjective from my Snappish point
of view. I'm doing this so people
will understand Snape more based both on facts and emotions, therefore,
I'm trying hard to think like I
assume he does. Thus, please do not take it badly if you
see something like that in my analysis: "Finally!
He admits it! And just to answer your question, Harry: "No!
Snape surely won't take that as an excuse!" I
am doing it like this to show some of Snape's
hidden emotions (and mine when faced with such
situations)! In
a word, you will find much objective ideas,
but make note that I trust Snape and I did not based my theories
on his being evil in the first place. I believe
he's on Albus's side all the way and that I
try to think from his perspective when I write
subjective comments! Thank you ! |
Owned by - Lady Claudia - Since June 9, 2002 |