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Snape for the Light Theory
My very first impressions: My first reaction was merriment because I was unlucky/lucky enough to stumble over the spoilers in the last chapters while only skimming to know whether Snape were still alive or not. It was an accident that I randomly chose the page which spoiled it all! Yes, randomly!! It was on p.594 (no, not 394; ) "'Well ... yes,' said Hermione. 'So ... I was sort of right Snape must have been proud of being "half a Prince", you see?" I was ecstatic Snape would be the Half-Blood Prince and that I was right about guessing the Adult cover edition represented his Potions manual. And then I caught what was slightly above that sentence: "called Tobias Snape, and then later an announcement saying that she'd given birth to a - ' '- a murderer,' spat Harry. Talk about a cold shower!! From that moment, I couldn't keep myself from skimming the pages furiously in search of the one Snape apparently killed until I read these words p. 574 "'Snape killed Dumbledore,' said Harry." x_x Can you imagine my shock and indignation!?! I was flabbergasted and I swear it takes a lot to confound me as such! I skimmed the book and read part of the three last chapters in search of clues to not incriminate Snape wholly. When I found enough, I was able to rest and relax. Phew! Then I began reading the book as I should have! To think I was horrified that he would die ... this is worst in a way!! Not that I don't believe in Snape anymore, more like everyone may truly hate him now unless they also don't buy Rolwing's plot. Indeed, having her 'pseudo-evil character' kill Dumbledore bluntly was almost too obvious for our dear Rowling. It's like saying: "In the end, Harry Potter killed Voldemort after a good fight, end of the story" That's too obvious and beneath Rowling. HP fans (many of which are non-Snape fans) would have seen it coming from the first book on and there wouldn't have been so much speculations going on. Snape's betrayal looks too obvious for HP fans, at least I hope they think so as well! While reading the book: Still, after the first chapter, I was already happy having spied into the book because I was able to note down lots of things and facts while reading the book. It will speed up my response to the book and to your questions about it, which I'm sure you now have loads of! HP7 will be the first book ever for which I would almost die for! EVER I'm usually extremely patient and I bide my time like a good little Slytherin, but not this time I admit. Not now that the story has been left on such a cliff hanger. So while I didn't rush to the bookshop this time, I'm sure I'll be the first one next time since I now find myself desperate to get my hands on Book7 to prove my theories. The whole book, the title, even the cover (Adult Edition) were all in Snape's honour... but Rowling made him into a betrayer, murderer, evil bastard, DADA teacher, genius dark inventor and half-blood prince all at once!! So much to process all at the same time! I will need some order here, so first I'll lay down the facts (from the books and any official information provided directly by Rowling) and then we'll be able to see more clearly into all of this. Here's on what my theories will be based in this preliminary analysis: from my (maybe too hopeful) point of view, Rowling pulled yet another 'pseudo-evil Snape plot' to bring all the attention on Snape and his apparent betrayal so she could keep us at bay from her real intent and the truth. I don't believe we've truly seen what really happened: the facts are too contradicting or too incomplete. And I know already from the e-mails I've been getting that I am not the only one to think so. She has always done it in past books, why not now when the thrill is at its peak? That's my hope but it's more than wishful thinking, I read this book while underlining many clues and facts to prove my point that this is all an act and that circumstances will prove that there can be a totally different point of view to what Snape is now believed to be. Just as with Pettigrew and Sirius: there were 15 witnesses, yet nobody uncovered the truth because of information nobody was privy to. Snape's case will be the same, I believe. However, to be fair with you, I will of course concede any mysterious and contradicting points with you as I go along. Facts, actions or words that do not forebode well for our dear Severus. I am not going to simply say: "He's not bad and I don't want to hear about your counter-argumentation." Not at all, that would be beneath me. Therefore, I will think of a way (once I analyse the book chapter by chapter, line by line) to separate all possible outcomes so as to analyse it from the point of view that Snape truly never turned his back on the Dark side or he simply decided to switch back lately. My opinion is that he never turned back from the Light after coming to Albus 16 years ago, but as I just mentioned, only defending this position would be too narrowed and I will be my own opposing counsel. On both sides, I will bring forth arguments for and against those possible outcomes for Snape in Book7. That's why if you see that I forgot a fact, and I may through all of the books and hypothesis I have drawn before, please tell me about it. It will be of great help to me. Of course, there is also the possibility that Snape thinks neither Good or Bad and that he's just on his own as a free agent. That's another possible ending I will explore. |