by Scene
/ Opinion/ Description
Spinner's End
(This scene is shown after Harry gets to
the Burrow. That differs from the book.)
Loved the setting, it was very much like an old industrial neighbourhood,
though it was supposed to be night and deserted in the book.
It was however not clear at all that Spinner's End belonged to
Snape. However, the room filled with books and with Snape-like furniture
may tell the unknown viewer that it is indeed Snape's place or that
he's at least taken over. Is it him in the door window in
this picture? Not sure. Notice the Spinner's factory chimney in
the background!!

Bellatrix tries to stop her sister, saying Snape cannot be trusted.
Narcissa argues the DLord trusts him to which she retort that he
is mistaken. (Indeed, Bellatrix! He he he!) You have to infer
from this point that Snape is not a clear-cut Death Eater.
Funny: Wormtail opens the door, lets the ladies in and immediately,
Snape shuts him out by throwing him back and closing the door on
him. Ha ha! He did it without blinking just like we'd expect
of Snape.
Snape is shown drinking tea and reading the Daily Prophet (with
non-moving pictures! Did they lose the other movies' special effects
for this or what?!). Reminds us of HP2 when the boys miss
the train and end up in Snape's office while he reads the newspapers
(minus the moving images of course). Snape apparently likes
to stay current on events. He is reading about the Millenium Bridge
Death Eater attack and Harry being the Chosen One. Oh! He must have
been 'thrilled' to read the latter. Ha ha ha! Seems like Wormtail
was lucky he wasn't killed because Snape was pissed at that moment.
Snape stays very focused and rigid all through this scene
(and the whole movie really). Rickman shows the audience that Snape
is very stressed in this movie, that he's got much more pressing
and worrying matters on his mind than simply being a 'greasy git'
with his students. And I love how Rickman pulled it off while
remaining very much in character.
I don't like Narcissa though. She now reminds me more of a mad-woman
than a rich, proud, arrogant beauty. I prefer the book version.
Funny: Bella picks up something from the mantle and Snape immediately
tells her, in his best silky teacher voice, to "Put that down".
He he! Loved it! They don't insult each other directly, Narcissa
says she shouldn't tell anything. It's the same in the book because
Snape then tells her not to say anything. But that it turns out
he knows of the plan the Dark Lord has in mind. Bella is not
happy that the DL told HIM that. He he!
There are two mirrors in this set which help us not miss what
the other characters are doing in the scene since the room is so
small. Ingenious! So we always know what either of the three
is doing.
What was cut short is Narcissa's pleading. Too bad!! Wouldn't
you love to see her beg Snape on her knees! You bet!
Anyhow, Snape says he'll try to help Draco. But Bella doesn't
trust him so she approaches him in a sly-sick way and whispers to
him almost. She says those are empty words and that he won't really
help because he won't risk himself. There is a very tense
moment for Snape there where he remains unmoved, but you see he
is struggling. Snape is not angry at Bella for doubting him,
you see that he's rather concentrated on keeping up appearances
(as he usually does) but that for once, he has a very hard time
doing it! That's brilliant because in such a short movie,
Rickman had to convey that Snape is not a bad guy for when people
will have seen Movie 7 and go back on this scene. This picture
shows exactly that:

Notice Snape's BLACK necktie! I think this is the very first
time he doesn't wear his white priest collar!! I think they
improved the wig for this movie, too. Or am I imagining things?
I wish he'd worn something else for once, but it goes along with
the character they want to present: guarded at all times!
The Unbreakable Vow
the next picture, Snape had quite a different look in his face/eyes
when Bellatrix suggests the Unbreakable Vow. There is fear and doubt
and I would even say hate. He didn't say anything, but again
Rickman spoke with his facial expression. Wonderful! And then
he said he would do it. Bellatrix looked amazed and pressed him
to do it right away. After that, Snape's face remains pretty
stoic though you see that he is thinking A LOT!! Regret? I
don't know. But as I mentioned before when I analyzed Albus's death,
I am certain they had already decided on the course of events by
then. And that is the only reason why Snape did not try to wriggle
himself out of this situation. He could have said: "Who am
I to stand in the way of the Dark Lord's orders if he wants the
boy to do it alone? I don't owe you anything either and I will not
have my loyalties tested in such a way." Very Snapish and yet,
he didn't say that. He made the vow!! To me, this only mean
he knew he would die before the end of this year anyway and/or Albus
had already coerced Snape into killing him when the time came. They
knew Draco was ordered to kill him afterall and an important fact
they forgot to mention in the movie: Albus was slowly being poisoned/killed
by his hand wound!! Therefore, since he was dying (and he
would have died earlier if Snape had not helped him when he came
back with Voldemort's Ring, he would have died before the start
of Year 6. But again, it's not mentioned in the movie) We
may never know which reason prompted Snape to decide, but one thing
is for sure: Snape looked uneasy because that would require him
to kill Albus or die if he refused. Did he make that decision right
there on the spot? Maybe. Or maybe they only came up with "Snape
kills Albus knowingly" plan after Snape contacted Albus and
said he'd made an Unbreakable Vow. Though, like I said, Snape's
position in the Death Eater was not that much jeopardized at the
time. I mean, Lucius wouldn't have done something like that
for anyone except his family members. So why should Snape
vouch for Draco? To please Bellatrix? I don't think she has
that much power and influence to convince the Dark Lord he is a
spy. So no, I think that Albus and Snape knew Albus didn't have
much time left and that they should at least use his death to serve
a better purpose. Why would you die in bed from a curse when you
could have your double-agent (who is the only real ally you have
that could make the Dark Lord fall) 'kill you prematuraly' instead!
When your plane is going to crash, at least crash where
it will hurt your enemy the most! Hence, Snape can hurt the Dark
Side the most. And so, all of this could have been pre-planned or
not, we'll never know. But you have to be amazed that he did
without twitching much and with quite a straight face. That's our
Snape! I bet his heart rate was high!!
Then we see the actual Unbreakable Vow. It was exactly the same
as in the book, the three same vows to protect, help and do Draco's
job should he fail. There was a pognant pause before Snape
agreed to the last one, which was to kill Dumbledore should Draco
not succeed. And yes, maybe he was afraid to die, too, should he
not fullfil it. Another theory I have is that Snape accepted to
kill Dumbledore, because Albus asked him, but that he had a double
agenda: "I will agree to kill him but in the end, if I really
don,t feel like it, I won't. I'd rather die than kill him myself!" That's
very probable and easily explains why later on, Snape tells Albus
he doesn't want to go through with it. The 'it' is their "Snape
kills Dumbledore to reinforce his ties with the Dark side so nobody
will suspect he is a spy" plan. And
I find this so noble and caring of Snape to prefer to die of the
Unbreakable Vow then to kill Albus. That's one of Snape's
most incredible moment and it made the film! Yeah!!

I love that special effect and how it left a faint scar on Narcissa.
I didn't see if there was one on Snape but we can only assume. I
guess it would go away because it's a bit too obvious otherwise.
"Oh, what have you got there? An Unbreakable Vow scar?! "
Nah, too obvious for a spy like Snape.

Hogwarts' Gates
When Malfoy reaches the gates of Hogwarts, Filch tries to confiscate
Lucius's walking stick from him. Then Snape intervenes and
says he can vouch for Draco. I found that touching that Draco
would bring his dad's stick because it's got his wand in it and
it's a precious item for him.
Snape then glares at Harry. He must have noticed his nose was
bleeding and realized Draco had done that. I'm sure
Snape feels a lot of empathy for Draco and he really wants to help
him. Not in his task of killing Dumbledore, but to get him out of
the Death Eater circle.
Opening Feast
We only see Snape in the background as usual, but we also see
he's sitting next to Slughorn. I loved the fact that, when
Slughorn got up when he was announced as the new Potions Master,
Snape did not clap immediately. It really took a couple of
seconds before he did. I think this conveys that he has no interest
nor liking of the guy. He he! Well, since Slughorn never did
acknowledge Snape's talents in Potions (in the book), and he let
someone like Snape be bullied all the time, I understand his 'lack
of feelings' for Slughorn. Snape knows Slughorn only is interested
in people who are famous, rich or charismatic, and since he never
made the "Wall of Fame" of Slughorn, he must not have
liked him at all and still not today.

When Snape was announced as the new DADA teacher, we got a close-up.
Yeah! But you could see it didn't matter to him as much as
it would have in other movies if he'd gotten the job then. The
Slytherins were really happy though. We also saw that Draco didn't
care. So we are faced with both Slytherins who don't care
of mundane and school stuff anymore. Their lives is so different
from the rest and unlike Gryffindors, they can't easily let go and
be merry from time to time. They are always in this dark place even
though, I'm sure, Albus does try to make Snape laugh from time to
Potions Class
Finally, they are brewing the Draugth of Living Death! Bottling
fame! He he! I just like how Rowling chose all the elements
from Snape's Potions Class.
(From MuggleNet directly) " Now
to the subject of how Harry gets the potions book. Harry and Ron arrive
in potions, and Slughorn tells them to go to the cabinet to take one of
the extra copies he has. They open the cabinet which has several ratty
old books and one virtually new one. Harry and Ron scramble in a
typical teenagish way for the nice copy, which of course, Ron gets,
leaving Harry to settle for one of the tattered old ones. When they
begin to make the Draught of Living Death we see Harry open his books
and the camera pans over the marked up pages.
They all start to make there potion and we see Hermione and Ron
struggling to cut up the sopophorous bean. The camera then shows us the
handwritten addition in the book (Harry may read it to himself out
loud, I can’t remember for certain) “Crush with flat side of dagger,
releases juice better than cutting.” After he crushes the bean, looking
excited, Hermione, whose hair is becoming increasingly messy, frizzy
and puffy, leans to him and asks him how he is doing that. He tells her
what the handwritten instruction says to do, and she says something
like, “but that not in the official instructions” and starts rereading
her own book frantically.
When Slughorn later declares Harry the winner and presents him with the
Felix Felicis in front of the class, Ron and Hermione look annoyed and
the whole class claps very unenthusiastically, while Harry with a huge
shameless grin on his face accepts the bottle of potion.
In the book, we are told that Lily was Slughorn's best student.
However, it is a blatant lie of favoritism since Snape was
obviously a genius! Which is why I said earlier that Snape really
must have disliked Slughorn for not recognizing his talent as well.
Poor Snape! Maybe that's why Snape is so protective of his
Slytherins, because he was himself neglected by his Head of House
(my theory!).
prefer the book cover they had for the Book6, it looks so much better.
The design of the book in the movie is directly from the 1970's
which is wrong because we are in the wizarding world! But
of course, the HP movies have totally forgotten about that for many
things after the first movie so I won't talk about it anymore.
I just love seeing all of Snape's writings in the margins, it's
just like Rowling described his calligraphy!! 
Common Room
(From MuggleNet directly) Later in the common room the trio sit around (Ginny is somewhere around) and Harry is reading the Potions book.
He notices the spell for Sectum Sempra and tries to show this to
Hermione and Ron. Hermione gets upset/annoyed and says that she wants
to see whose book it was. She jumps up and tries to grab in from him.
Harry holds it back out of her reach but Ginny who comes from behind
Harry grabs it and backs away and says she also wants to know who wrote
that stuff in the book. She quickly flicks to the back and then reads
out loud, “This book is the property of the Half-Blood Prince.”
They don't really do more than that in
the movie except that Hermione says she hasn't found anything. A
shame but it's true that it would have been a bit long for a movie.
On the way to Hogsmead
I think that's when Hermione and Ron made fun of Harry for taking
his Potions book everywhere... even in bed! Ha ha ha!!! When you
know it is Snape's book, this become hilarious indeed!
I also remember that Harry said that book was a better Potions
teacher than Snape had ever been. Again, it was the epitome of irony!!
Ha ha ha!!
Cursed necklace
All right!! Finally a decent picture of Snape!! I'm pretty
sure he knows exactly what happens the second he hears Potter accuse
Draco of doing it. But Snape asks: "And just what is
your evidence?" Silky and deadly voice. Of course, he's
protecting Draco and he's playing a double-game. He knows it must
be from Draco since it was destined for Dumbledore. And at
that point, Snape must have worked in the background to track down
Draco. And indeed, he was right on him at Slughorn's party not so
long after that incident.

Harry says he doesn't have any proofs of course. Then Snape tries
to mock him by saying: "“How grand it must be to be the Chosen One."

Slughorn Party
appears when Filch comes in, dragging Draco by the arm, and saying
he was doing something dubious around here. Then Draco admits
he was gate-crashing. Poor Draco was definitely overlooked
by the Slughorn Club because his father is not influencial anymore.
Then Snape looks at him with concern and interest. He says he'll
deal with it. Draco has open contempt for Snape, but it doesn't
seem to bother the others. Harry follows them out and you see Snape
trying to talk to Draco.

They talk while Harry is eavesdropping. Draco doesn,t want
Snape's attention. I can't remember exactly what they said, but
I know Snape wasn't happy that Draco was so obviously discovered
and not sly enough. Very Slytherin! And then Draco was
pissed off, then Snape kind of cornered him on the wall there saying
he could help him if he would let him. Draco says he doesn't need
any help. That he was chosen for this and that Snape would not steal
his thunder, something like that.
Snape mentions he made the Unbreakable Vow so he has to protect
and help Draco. Draco says he never asked for that I think.
Of course that scene was to make the viewers doubt Snape's loyalties
since we knew Draco was up to no good from the start. But
of course he's really trying to help Draco. I'm sure it kills him
to have to see Draco be a victim in all this drama. But Snape
can't jeopardize his position as a spy for Draco's sake only. Interestingly
enough, I think Snape would like to offer the same kind of protection
Dumbledore offered him in the past. Sweet! 
Christmas at the Weasleys
Harry asks what an Unbreakable Vow is and discusses what he overheard
with Lupin, Tonks and Mr. Weasley.
Lupin defends Snape because he knows he has to act as though
he is cooperating with the enemy. Therefore what Harry heard can't
be taken at face value. He also adds: “It all comes down to whether you trust Dumbledore. I do, therefore I trust Severus.”
Ron being poisoned
Yep! It's thanks to Snape that Harry remembers so vividly that
a bezoar will cure you from most poisons! He he!!

Hospital Wing
From MuggleNet "Everyone surrounds Ron's bed in the Hospital Wing, Hermione and Ginny
either side of him. Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape walk in, shortly
followed by Lavender who basically starts arguing with Hermione as to
why she's there. Then Lavender goes over to Ron and grabs his hand, at
which point Ron mutters Hermione's name. Lavender runs off in a strop.
Dumbledore says something along the lines of "Ah, the pangs of teenage
romance", to which McGonagall gives a look and Snape rolls his eyes.
Then I think after a little talking, with Slughorn telling Dumbledore
it was the meade that poisoned Ron and that it was actually meant for
Dumbledore himself"
is when Snape hears that Harry is so good at Potions. If that
part hadn't been cut, Snape would be shown doubting that fact a
lot more. But it's a very clear clue that Harry has managed to learn
something from Snape. I wish they had said: "You should
be proud, Snape! You've made him into the great Potions student
he is" Ha ha ha!
course, the bottle of meade was intended for Albus and Snape caught
that. He must have tried to investigate again. Though it seems
Draco was pretty good at hiding what he was doing. Snape didn't
know about the Vanishing Cabinet. I don't think anyone knew
of that cabinet in the book. I think they changed that for the movie
and added the scene where Harry talks to Mr. Weasley in the garage.
Sectum sempra
Finally a bit of action!! 
I thought it was a very good scene! Draco was very affected by
his deeds and you could see his desperation. Then they fought
until Harry used Snape's curse, Sectum sempra, on Draco. He had
no clue it was such a dark curse that Snape developed as a young
boy in a world full of enemies. That freaked Harry out of
course (luckily).
We see Snape arrive at the scene, with Draco bleeding badly.
He then tries the counter-curse which, of course, must be his own
doing as well. At least, he wouldn't invent that curse without
the cure. Though it's a bit scary if you start thinking
how he developed it in the first place.
What is missing here is Snape's realisation
that Harry has gotten hold of his old Potions book. That's
a shame. Snape understood that must be the only plausible
explanation to Harry knowing this curse AND being branded as a great
Potions student by Slughorn. Snape knows Harry is only normal
in Potions, not a genius or an Hermione. At that point in
the book, Snape asks him to fetch his Potions book. Harry
freaks out again, runs to the Common Room, takes Ron's book and
gives it to Snape instead. Snape doesn't buy it but he has
no proof.
And then Harry hides the book in the Room of Requirement.
Snape doesn't want to do it anymore
for a larger version. Ah! The background is the Astronomy Tower.
I just noticed!)
It was supposed to happen in the forest, but they set it at the
top of the Astronomy Tower. Harry overhears Snape and Albus
talk. Severus tells Albus in a nervous way that he may not
want to do it anymore. (The 'it' is killing Albus!) I never
thought Snape meant he didn't want to be a double-agent anymore.
No, he meant killing Albus for sure. I'm mentioning it because
I just read on MuggleNet that someone thought Snape refered to his
role as double-agent. The "it" can't mean his role
as double-agent. Snape is not backoff his role as a spy here because
it's not even an option! Voldemort would get him anyway because
he wears the Dark Mark but mostly, Snape would die of the Unbreakable
Vow way before for not helping Draco do his task. So Snape
is not being a coward here and saying: "Gee, Albus. I'm fed
up with all this, I'm going to retire and I don't want to do this
anymore". No way! What the
"it" means is Snape doesn't want to kill Albus, he doesn't
want to go through with their plans of killing Albus for the sake
of strengthening his ties with Voldemort and being the only real
"Good guy" amid the DE. And I stress that fact here
because it's so important to understand Snape and how heroic and
selfless he was: by arguying with Albus about not wanting to do
it anymore, Snape literally says: "I'd rather die than kill
you, Albus! Please don't let me go through this! I'm not sure I
can do it" But Albus is firm. He says "You have
to" or "You must". They both know that he must
or else their efforts and all those who died will have been in vain.
Snape leaves but he's not very happy about it. Of course
the unknowing viewer would think Snape wanted to back out because
we know Albus doesn't force people.
Dumbledore is back
Ok MANY things were changed here compared to the book. Mainly
because the is NO final battle in the castle. My brother told
me they're keeping that for a monumental battle in the next movie.
By then, Draco has allowed the Death Eaters in through the
Vanishing Cabinet and they are on their way to the Astronomy Tower.
Draco goes to the Tower. In the book, he is alone because the other
DE are busy battling the Order downstairs in the monumental fight
we will never see! x_x I think that's the lamest cut
they have made to the movies. Cut down on teenage drama and
Slughorn, but not THE coolest battle Hogwarts has ever seen. Anyway...
Albus has just come back with Harry. He's very weak and says
he needs Severus. Not Madam Pomphrey, but Severus. He tells
Harry to trust him and fetch Severus. I love the way Albus is 100%
confident in Snape!! And he will keep calling him Severus till his
last breath. Powerful!

Harry never got to leave because Draco got there first. However,
big difference, is that Harry was not Petrified by Albus and left
to watch this terrible scene while frozen. Instead, good choice
if you ask me, Albus sends him to a lower floor where Harry can
still see what goes on. It's true that it would have been
kind of lame for Harry to be petrified since it's a movie.

Draco and Albus talk. I'm sure that, given more time, he
would have convinced Draco. Poor boy! Tom Felton was such a good
actor!! Again, one can see the parallel between Snape as a
boy when he must have wondered what to do: betray the DL or not?
Kill himself? Be killed? What pressure! Draco
had disarmed Albus already anyway. I think he knew his time had
In the book, it was Hermione who, under the effect of Felix Felicis,
had fetched Snape because of the DE invasion. That's when he stunt
Filius Flitwick, left Hermione (and Ginny I think) locked in his
office and ran upstairs to the Astronomy Tower. He hadn't
known that Draco had let the DE inside. Surely Bellatrix must have
warned her nephew against telling Snape. In the movie, Snape
just happened to be there because he must have felt the bad atmosphere
(portrayed by nasty clouds). Or so we are left to believe
as viewers.
Then the DE make their entrance. Bellatrix tells Draco
to do it. She can't wait. At that point, Harry doesn't barge
in like he's used to do because I think he's still confident
that Albus is still powerful enough. But I attribute
this to the fact that seconds before Harry must have thought of
jumping into the action, Snape arrived in the lower floor. I
love this because the camera turns and we suddenly see Snape with
his wand also at the ready. For a second, the public may suspect
he will harm Harry. But no (of course!), he gestures for him to
be quiet. Shhhh. At that precious moment in time, Harry trusts Snape.
Wow! It won't ever happen again while Snape is alive.

Then Severus appears in front of them all while Harry stays underneath.
Everyone in the theater knows a cinematographic event is going
to happen. It's dead quiet in the audience. No one is moving, talking,
eating... And I'm sitting forward on my chair. Can't remember if
I was breathing.
Albus sees him. Snape makes his way towards the front. He
doesn't say anything, again Rickman does that through facial language.
I can't remember if he said anything, I was just too anxious!
O_O Then, Albus says his last words: "Severus, please!"
Then, in a split second, you see it all in Snape's face: Snape
takes his decision, one that will change everything and lead to
his death of course. We all know Albus was begging Severus
to kill him and not go back on his word that he would do it. Otherwise,
he would blow his cover as a spy and all would be lost! But
it's still quite something to ask someone who admires you so much
to kill you, and for that person to find it in him to actually do
it for "the better good". And that act shall forever make
Snape a hero in his own way, and eventually gains Harry's utmost
respect, too.
(click for a larger version) 
Avada kedavra! It was so short, Snape did not 'throw' the
spell. He already had his arm extended in Albus's direction.
(click for a larger version)  Bella
was ecstatic and while they all looked down to see Albus falling,
Snape did not look! Of course he wouldn't, he must have wanted
to kill himself on the spot or jump off as well!
I think they should have shown Albus's face after he fell. I
think they thought the public couldn't take that much. But hell,
we can!! And it would have been so much better, too. We'd
have cried and we would have felt the pain. That's the point
of movies. Oh well.
Flight of the Prince

From that point on, you see Snape at the end of the DE group
and Draco seems to have let go of his contempt/mistrust of Snape
totally. I'm sure he was relieved he didn't do it and he was
too shocked at the same time. In this shot, you see how he is very
disturbed inside. I love it! Rickman did an outstanding job
at keeping his face straight.

You see how Snape is totally stoic from this point on. A real
robot if you ask me. He must be killing inside, poor Severus! I
also liked the fact that Bella made a mess everywhere she went.
I guess it helped make up (a little) for the inexistent Hogwarts
all-out battle scene. Still, when that happened in the book,
they were fleeing like mad, not walking the halls freely like we
see here.
Potter then chases them because he wants revenge on Snape.

I'm the Half-Blood Prince
Note: I was so concentrated on various details that I can't remember
the exact order of things here. Sorry if I made mistakes about
the chronological order.
As they are fleeing, we hear "Snape!!" shouted by Harry.
He's pissed all right (who wouldn't be!). Snape turns around,
finally snapping out of his trance.
Then Harry shouts his name again (I think) and says: "I
trusted you!" Snape tries to keep Harry at bay. He repels
him once or twice, then Bella tries to hex him herself. I am not
sure if she misses because Harry moved out of the way a bit or if
it's because Snape interrupted her. But surely, he says: "Don't
touch him. He is the Dark Lord's" or "Potter belongs to
the Dark Lord". Something like that to explain why Snape, though
now thought to be evil by the unknowing public, would not simply
kill him. Of course, for unknowing viewers, you would think
he did that he was indeed not supposed to touch him because of the
Dark Lord. But for those who know, this was simply a tactic for
Snape to make sure Harry wasn't killed. Hell, what would be the
point of Killing Albus if the boy-who-lived was killed, too! Snape
would hate himself forever since he so often put his life on the
line to save the boy (because he could have blown his cover many
times to save Potter).
I think that's also when Bellatrix blows up Hagrid's hut. She
was angry she couldn't kill Harry so she just blew up something
and laughed like the madwoman she is.

So Harry tried to hit him but of course, Snape was much faster.
Harry called him a coward, then Snape got closer. I was extremely
thrilled by one shot in particular, when you see both Harry and
Snape from a farther point of view and then suddenly, you see Snape
and his bellowing robes turning around swiftly. I LOVED it!! A shame
I don't have the image. I was waiting for that moment
but that is when I was disappointed because they cut Snape's important
part there!! Snape was supposed to really snap at Harry at
that point because he'd just called him a coward when in fact, Snape
had just done the bravest act of his entire life. He didn't
get to say: "Don't call me a coward!"
Apparently, and I'm hoping they will put it on the DVD, there
was a cut scene here where Snape said: "You may have your mother’s eyes but you are as dim as your father"
I think it's important because you finally get an inkling about
how Snape loved Lily!! I also think it's very 'sweet' or 'bittersweet'
that Snape seems to be incapable of forgetting that Harry is Lily's
son and that in this very important and decisive moment of his life,
it's one of the things he tells Harry. And how that influenced the
whole story. But hey, they'll keep that for the next movie I guess
when they have to explain why Snape is not the evil-guy after all.
I'm pretty sure he called him dim at this point for not seeing
the obvious. I mean, duh!, Snape did not kill Harry though he could
have a thousand times over. And he was also angry at Harry for chasing
them and risking his life when Snape and Dumbledore had just done
the impossible to ensure his safety. Indeed, Harry shouldn't
have been there. He could have died if not for Snape who protected
him from Bellatrix. Again, Snape saved him from a precarious
situation. So I hope we see that on the DVD extended scenes!!

Snape turns around to leave. Then Harry used Sectum sempra. Snape
turns around in a flash, his eyes blazing. "You dare
use my own spell against me?" And then he reveals to
Harry, crying and lying on the floor, that he is the Half-Blood
Prince. I thought they could have made that moment a bit more
dramatic with the music and stuff. Or spend more time on the faces,
but Snape walked away swiftly after that. At least, Harry was too
stunned to do anything after that.
I was also waiting for that scene so Snape could tell Harry to
stop being so reckless and use the same sort of spells again and
again. This lesson helped Harry in Book 7 so I thought it
was important. I think they replaced it with the other sentence
about Lily and James that was cut. In a way, calling him 'dim'
meant that Snape thought Harry was stupid to follow them and that
he should concentrate on his own role and not throw away his life
that his parents sacrificed themselves for.
The end
They didn't talk about Snape past this point. We also didn't
see the funeral which was a shame. Only Fawkes flying away. I wish
we'd seen the White stone monument at the very least while he flew
away. Oh well.
From the revelation of Snape,
the viewers have to decude a lot of things and realize that even
though the Half-Blood Prince (HBP) didn't have an active role in
this story, it was thanks to him (Snape) that everything occurred
the way it did. (Actually, there was
sooooo much of Slughorn that had I not known the HBP was Snape,
I might very well have guessed it was Slughorn!! No really, what
was the producer's fixation with Slughorn?!) Back to Snape as the
HBP. Yes, he is indeed the one that does everything in this
book/movie even though it's subtle (even more subtle in the movie).
So I'm sure non-Snape fans will have a harder time understanding
why Rowling ever named that book the HBP.
- Snape was named DADA teacher
so Harry could be an Auror.
- He saved Albus when he
came back from the ring horcruxe incident (and would not have
survived that long without Snape!)
- Snape accepted to do the
Unbreakable Vow knowing he would throw his life away rather
than kill Albus or they had already agreed Snape would 'kill'
Dumbledore because his time was counted already since he
was too ill after the horcrux incident
- He tried to protect Draco
from the DE.
- He protected Harry from being
too nosy about Draco a couple of times (which really could have
brought Harry a lot more trouble!)
- He allowed Harry to get
the Felix Felicis potion. It would have been beyond his
dreams if he'd done the potion on his own of course!
- Harry, by using the Sectum
sempra curse, learnt a very important lesson about using spells
to hurt enemies and it helped him in Book 7.
- Snape was the one who, in
the first book, made sure Harry remembered that bezoars cure
most poisons. I mean, even Slughorn didn't react to save
Ron's life but Harry remembered that first Potions lesson!
- He saved Harry from the
DE at the end after they would readily have killed him on
the spot when Harry foolishly ran after them. If it hadn't been
Snape who killed Albus, it would have been someone else and
Harry would have followed them and be killed!
- Snape was ready to throw
away his life and die rather than kill Albus. But Albus forced
him to go through with their plan which allowed Snape even better
access to Voldemort. He therefore was the only ally they had
against him and his DE. That led to the final victory!
So as you see, all the important
hidden story are thanks to the Half-Blood Prince - aka Snape!
