Updated July 2009
NEW - Snape links - some newer ones I don't have here NEW - YouTube - all the videos you could ever imagine on Snape! NEW - The Adventures of Chibi Snape
Fun: Fun: What's your Hogwarts House? (best test I know, most accurate) Fun: Which HP character are you like? (from same site, accurate) Severus Snape's Dungeons EzBoard (discussion board: theories, facts, etc) Hogwarts Alumni (original activities including some from Snape! Great site!) Psychiatrist
- Sarcastic version Merriam-Webster's definition of "sarcastic" and other synonyms! NEW - The Adventures of Chibi Snape
Snape Website:
(dead links are not underlined but I'll leave the titles which may be found elsewhere if you want!) Dark Illusions (nice fan work of all kind)
Lidi's Snape Caps (captures, Alan Rickman, videos, etc) DarkMark.com (Very good too!) The Leaky Cauldron The best!! Strona Pottermanaikow (Poland) see: galeria (image galleries), tapety (wallpapers) The Internet Movie Database: hard to find photos/stills of upcoming movie! You have to see them!!
Best Harry Potter sites DarkMark.com: news, images, stage pictures, errors, all you want!! The Leaky Cauldron : news, images, everything! Harry Potter lexicon: everything you need to know! Mugglenet Loads of news, info, facts from JK Rowling herself and rare pictures!! |