Snape's Secrets
What could he possibly hide? A smile... A laugh... A special occasion... A special holiday ... A rare picture... A portrait... Here they are, just for you! Oh yes I will!!!
Seven more pictures of this shot:
Now isn't that a rare and wonderful sight! On this picture, he looks more like 40 and that's nice! I love the natural unguarded expression of his face and the expressive eyes! I bet this will become a favourite of many of you! |
Potter: Can I retaliate? Snape: Of course not! And that's the beauty of it all! Oh I love this movie! Let's hope I get to curse Umbridge or throw some cutting remarks at her!
Albus: Don't you think they look like angels sleeping like that, Severus? Snape: Ha ha ha! Oh Albus, you silly old man! That's the best joke you've cracked up ever since you said Potter ought to be promoted Head Boy next year! Albus: I don't think I follow you there, Severus! Snape: Well, isn't it obvious how cynical that is?! Saying angel and student in the same sentence! That's the same as saying: "Lockhart is the wisest wizard I ever met!"
Snape: Ha ha ha! (another fit of laugher) Stop it! I can't take it anymore!! That's the most sarcastic you've ever gotten, old man! Oh my! (wiping out the tears of enjoyment at the corners of his eyes) And you forgot that Potter will surely hand me a "Best Teacher Ever" effigy while asking for his expulsion after realising all the stupid dangerous stunts he's put himself in along with endangering his friends! |
(Real Snape) -Haaaaaahhh!! What a nightmare, stop it, Lupin!! Stop it!! |