J. K.
Rowling Interview
Transcripts about Snape
Here are all the references I've been able to accumulate about Snape
from JK Rowling, and my impressions.
Also don't forget to read |
Read directly from her official website: www.jkrowling.com
Interviewer: Who is your favourite character in the books? Rowling: I have loads of favourite characters. I really like Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid and Dumbledore. I love writing Snape - even though he is not always the nicest person, he is really fun to write. I love writing Dudley. If I could meet anyone, I might choose Lupin. I really like him. My favourite new character is Luna - I am very fond of her. |
This is not news to us. However, what is interesting is that the more she talks about him, the less she seems to depreciate him. Note that this time she said: "he is not always" instead of something like" he’s great because he’s complicated and quite nasty" or "it's such fun doing horrible things to them.(including Snape) or worst yet, "It's fun to write about Snape because he's a deeply horrible person". Not anymore in this interview where she finally admits to the greyish sides of Snape instead of branding him as black and horrible. It's like Rowling is growing out of her Gryffindor colours and shifts to a different point of view towards Snape to the point of agreeing (almost) that in order to be good and work for the light, you don't have to be the nice. |
Question from the public: Also, will we see more of Snape? Rowling: You always see a lot of Snape, because he is a gift of a character. I hesitate to say that I love him. [Audience member: I do] You do? This is a very worrying thing. Are you thinking about Alan Rickman or about Snape? [Laughter] Isn't this life, though? I make this hero - Harry, obviously - and there he is on the screen, the perfect Harry, because Dan is very much as I imagine Harry, but who does every girl under the age of 15 fall in love with? Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy. Girls, stop going for the bad guy. Go for a nice man in the first place. It took me 35 years to learn that, but I am giving you that nugget free, right now, at the beginning of your love lives. |
Wow!! Never thought we'd hear that judging from her previous
interviews, especially the one from Book5.
I am confident this will reassure a lot of you ladies out
there that we are bound to see a lot of him again, if not in the
movies. |
Question from the public: Apart from Harry, Snape is my favourite character because he is so complex and I just love him. Can he see the Thestrals, and if so, why? Also, is he a pure blood wizard? Rowling: Snape's ancestry is hinted at. He was a Death Eater, so clearly he is no Muggle born, because Muggle borns are not allowed to be Death Eaters, except in rare circumstances. You have some information about his ancestry there. He can see Thestrals, but in my imagination most of the older people at Hogwarts would be able to see them because, obviously, as you go through life you do lose people and understand what death is. But you must not forget that Snape was a Death Eater. He will have seen things that... Why do you love him? Why do people love Snape? I do not understand this. Again, it's bad boy syndrome, isn't it? It's very depressing. [Laughter] One of my best friends watched the film and she said, "You know who's really attractive? I said, "Who?" She said, "Lucius Malfoy!" |
Great!! We've been wanting to know for a while!! He's a pureblood or a half-blood. A shame she just hinted at the answer. That's how I had understood it myself, because he is a Slytherin and was accepted in the Death Eaters. But isn't that interesting how she says: "he was a Death Eater"? She was sure not to make a tongue-slip there if she still wants us to believe he's not truly reformed!! Yes, he can see Thestrals because of his being an adult, but also for his having been a Death Eater and having seen things... of course Rowling was not about to describe those to children, but we have a pretty good idea of that don't we? Murder, torture, even rapes I'd reckon. Really, what Rowling is trying to do is all right and I agree with her that too many girls go only for the bad guys and end up being hurt and abused. I should know since my website is there to answer that question she asked: "Why Snape?" Indeed!! I'd say the looks and the bad guy attitude is surely what won Snape so much fans. A small look at my "Why do you love Snape?" section answers that. However, it does not account for all fans, thankfully! Some of you like him for reasons that do not meet the eyes, fortunately! I bet Mrs Rowling would be overjoiced to come across some such fans, but I believe she has no chance to do so for I don't think they could compete with groupies in an assembly. It's a shame. |
Almost all of the following references have been checked in at least two Harry Potter reference
Quotes - Arabella
Figg's Hogwarts Express - DarkMark.com
and Mugglenet Please visit!
Amazon.co.uk: Are your characters based on people you know? Rowling: Some of them are, but I have to be extremely careful what I say about this. Mostly, real people inspire a character, but once they are inside your head they start turning into something quite different. Professor Snape and Gilderoy Lockhart both started as exaggerated versions of people I've met, but became rather different once I got them on the page. Hermione is a bit like me when I was 11, though much cleverer. |
I knew about that certain teacher of Rowling which inspired Snape. Anyhow, we clearly see that even if we were to find that teacher today, he would not be a real copy of Snape since she exaggerated her characters. I wonder how Rowling would react were she to come across this website? : ) |
How do you come up with all the unique names, places, and things that help
make Harry Potter so intriguing? |
Same fact again |
Ms. Rowling, where do you come up with those names of the characters,
like Quidditch? Why did you make Quirrell the bad guy instead of Snape? Because I know all about Snape, and he wasn't about to put on a turban.
Firebolt: Ms. Rowling, which character besides Harry is your favorite, and why? J.K. Rowling: I think that would have to be Hagrid -- but I love Ron and Hermione too, and I also love writing characters like Gilderoy Lockhart, Snape, the Dursleys ... it's such fun doing horrible things to them. |
We knew that one already! She also mentioned in the interview Harry Potter and the Magic of the Internet for Book5 that she wanted something that rhymes with snake If she knows all about Snape and she did not make him the "bad guy", logically, it means that he is not bad. Unless, she would have said something different like: "Oh, but he is bad, too" unless it steals the punch. Also notice how realistic she is when she mentions the fact that Snape would never be seen wearing a turban! Funny! Another explanation, offered by my friend Afictionado, is that Snape not being about to put on a turban may also mean that he wasn't about to switch sides. Interesting view indeed! Such a statement speaks for itself, does it not! What is sad though is how she "enjoys" torturing Snape just as she does the Dursleys. Although Snape is far from loving Harry, I do not believe he would ever let him suffer physically like the Dursleys would. Nor is he a fraud like Gilderoy. What is interesting is her honesty in "wishing" horrible things to such people and actually writing it down. I believe Rowling has a kind of vengeance pattern about her. She's quite conscious of it I think. |
KING: You are a name freak. ROWLING: I am a bit of a name freak. A lot of the names that I didn't invent come from maps. Snape is a place name in Britain. Dumbledore means -- dumbledore is an old English dialect word for bumblebee, because he is a musical person. And I imagine him humming to himself all the time. Hagrid is also an old English word. Hedwig was a saint, a Medieval saint.
NOTE: The following segment only appears on Mugglenet and Arabella Figgs. Hence, be cautious. For example, DarkMark.com doesn't have it Now they're doing a movie, now. I ran into Mr. Rickman, who is going to be
one of the stars of the movie. |
Again, why can't they ask more meaningful questions?! |
Why does Professor Dumbledore allow Professor Snape to be so nasty to the students (especially to Harry, Hermione, and Neville)? Dumbledore believes there are all sorts of lessons in life; horrible teachers like Snape are one of them! The character of Professor Snape fascinates me. Will you reveal his back story further in the next Harry Potter book? You will find out more about Snape in future books. Keep an eye on him! |
I do believe it is as nice an explanation as any other. However, it does not imply anything too serious about Snape's role within Hogwarts. It reveals nothing about the other reasons why Dumbledore would keep Snape around. On the other hand, we know for sure Rowling is strongly against abusive teachers, hence, refusing to allow some at Hogwarts would prove a disadvantage. Whom could she blame? The same kind of matter occurred with Umbridge with whom she also took a strong stand against such teachers. For more, please read this article from Stephen Fraser. That we did, however, as mentioned in her interview from book5, she still holds the same argument: keep an eye on him. It does sound worrysome... |
How old are Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape? Dumbledore's about 150 years old... wizards have a longer life expectancy than us Muggles, Snape's 35 or 36. |
I included more in a special section. She was referring to his present age in Book4. However, it is unsure if she was telling us that from the beginning of the book or at the end of the book. |
Lizo: What was going through your head as you watched the film, and how did you feel? J.K.: I'd say a week from seeing the film I was very excited. And the closer the viewing came, the more frightened I became. To the point that when I actually sat down to see the film, I was terrified. Because it was way too late if bits were wrong - if Snape hadn't got long blond hair or whatever. But at the end of the film, I was happy. Lizo: It's been reported that you talked about the "backstory" of some of the characters with some of the actors. Is that true? J.K.: I'm very secretive about these things, but yes, I did. I gave certain people certain information. I gave Robbie Coltrane some background on Hagrid, which I think he used superbly, because I think he's an absolutely fantastic Hagrid. I also gave Alan Rickman a little bit on Snape. Lizo: What do you think fans of the books are going to think of the film? J.K.: I hope they like it, I really do. I think the fans of the book
will be happy. There is an awful lot of my book up there. All the important
bits, I'd say. It's my plot, and I think it's a very faithful adaptation. And
there are spectacular performances: a really wonderful Hagrid, McGonagall and
Snape, and a fabulous mountain troll - that's one of my favorite bits! I really
hope the fans are happy. |
Isn't that interesting how the first example that comes to mind is the right personification of Snape? She was worried Snape's appearance had come all wrong! Interesting indeed.
Bet you loads of people asked Mr Rickman what he knew.
I know those Rickman fans out there must be rejoiced that Rowling approved of his performance. It also entices that he was very faithful to her own image of the man. Therefore, I would tend to say that even though Snape does not look as bad as he was first described in the book, the act holds the road quite well.
JP: Are we going to discover anything more about Snape?
Is that not our best clue yet? I believe so. I long thought there was something along those lines, something to do with Harry's mother. If she cannot say, it means it will spoil the plot. Of course, she could be leading us astray, but if you look through the interviews, you will notice one question about : "Will Snape fall in love?" And she readily answered: Who on earth would want Snape in love with them? That’s a very horrible idea. " So what are we to believe?! She does not deny it, yet, she says a "Snape in love" sounds horrible. Hum? Guess we will only know in Book6 and 7!! But for now, I will say that maybe there is something with Harry's mother, but love may not be it. Actually, she may have refered to what happened when Snape was "rescued" by her in Book5 and nothing else. Another thing, Rowling says we will learn about that and also a lot more. Nice to know! |
HarriFreak: Who is the 'one that never will return' deatheater? Megan: Is there a link between Snape and vampires?
Ali: Why specifically does Dumbledore trust Snape?
Kyla: What made Sirius decide to send Snape to the Willow? JK Rowling replies -> Because Sirius loathed Snape (and the feeling was entirely mutual). You'll find out more about this in due course. Ernie: I wonder if you can let us know what form will Professor Snape's
Boggart and Patronus take? I am very curious. Fenny: Will Lord Voldemort get more 'screentime' in the upcoming
books? |
Here is the passage from Book4: "And here we have six missing Death Eaters . . . three dead in my service. One, too cowardly to return ... he will pay. One, who I believe has left me forever ... he will be killed, of course . . . and one, who remains my most faithful servant, and who has already reentered my service." Alright! Where is Snape in this description? Actually, Rowling is good enough to make it appear as though one of the three is Snape while he may actually NOT be one of those three at all. It's very frustrating! Was Snape there when the Death Eaters were reunited or not? The timeline is too twisted to tell! Argh! But since Rowling said fansites had gotten it pretty well, we may deduce that it is indeed Snape whom is suspected of having left him forever. Not the coward one of course, unless Rowling once again fooled us into believing Karkaroff fleed but at the last moment decided to still appear in front of the Dark Lord. If so, then Snape may be refered to as the coward on who will pay. I hope it is! Better be called a coward than someone who has to be killed!! Indeed, when Harry asked: What made you think he'd really stopped supporting Voldemort, Professor?" Dumbledore held Harrys gaze for a few seconds, and then said, "That, Harry, is a matter between Professor Snape and myself." And that's it. We don't know more than that. Apart from the fact that his story was credible. Of course, there is always a chance that Snape used Occlumency as he is supposed to with Voldemort to hide his game, but someone, when face to face with Albus, the old man is so effective it sounds far-fetched. Loath or not, I still
believe this is one event that sent Severus off the edge!! Also,
I have read the speculations about one specific event occuring
before the Willow incident. Was it Snape trying to hurt Lily,
or something like that? We don't know... Very good question Ernie!! But indeed, it would give it away! Is it Voldemort, dying, being ridiculed, lose Albus' trust? I understand the part about the Boggart, but why deny us the Patronus? Hum... Does it mean it would take an evil form? Maybe! Well there we go! We all thought so of course, that Voldemort prefers to let his henchmen do the dirty work. Hence, by association, Snape had or still has to do dirty work. There is a man in book5 who died because he didn't want to perform said work. And since Snape is still alive, bet he did a lot! |
The followings have more specific references
Are any of the characters in the books based on real people?
Of course, she won't say because she doesn't feel like being sued! Clever woman!! : ) |
Interview with Kenneth Branagh (Gilderoy Lockhart) Q: What about his relationship with the other professors and their view of him? Branagh: Initially they are prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. But almost immediately they see that he is very full of himself and they begin to suspect he is a charlatan. Some of them find him touching and amusing e.g. Dumbledore and McGonagall, but to Snape and Filtch he is very irritating. Lockhart has no time for anyone else but himself so he disregards Snape's disdain which leads to some comic opportunities. He is a whirlwind of narcissism that blows itself through the school amusing and irritating in equal measures. |
Just thought I'd put this up here since these actors certainly knew what they were up to. Hence, we know what the intentions of the authors were towards Snape's attitude when it came to Lockhart. |
Q: Who's your favorite character besides Harry Potter? A: It's very hard to choose. It's fun to write about Snape because he's a deeply horrible person. Hagrid is someone I'd love to meet. |
There we go again. Snape is a deeply horrible person now. Deeply! It's strange where we place our values though. Rowling likes fairness and equality for kids, I reckon. Hence, Snape is the antitome of equality between adults and kids. However, from my point of view, this is not so bad because he is as a teacher, but not all the time as an adult. He knows his duties and does the right thing even though he favors his students in class. Still, Rowling said he's a horrible person, not just as a teacher. Makes you wonder where she's going with him... |
Rowling said many characters come from her own past. Harry's know- it-all friend, Hermione, is "an exaggerated version of me when I was 11, which I'm not very proud of. But I wasn't that clever. Hermione is borderline genius. If I were that annoying, I would deserve a strangling." Professor Snape, she said, was based on a teacher she despised: "The great thing about becoming a writer is you can get revenge on everyone." |
Very interesting point indeed! Rowling wanting to strangle not only Snape, but also the annoying Know-it-all. That's why I say Rowling is honest in her judgments of others. She doesn't fool herself or her readers about her feelings. What is even more interesting however is that this annoyance she feels for Hermione is expressed through Snape in Book 3 while in DADA class and in the movie as well. Hence, in a way, Rowling isn't condemning Snape's ways at 100%. I think she believes a bit of hard learned lessons such as Snape's direct opinions can be beneficial. |
Where did you meet the Draco Malfoy of your life?
...He’s not a particularly pleasant person at all.
However, everyone should keep their eye on Snape, I’ll just say that because
there is more to him than meets the eye and you will find out part of what I am
talking about if you read Book 4. No, I’m not trying to drum up more sales, go
to the library and get it out. I’d rather people read it. |
There, the truth of why she finds him deeply horrible is out! Snape abuses his power. Yet, isn't Harry Potter abusing his privileges as a student? This is why I reckon Rowling is the kind of adult who wishes more equality between children and adults. Maybe it's far-fetched, but it still gives me that impression. We also understand more why she keeps Snape around, as an example of power abuse. Also notice how she says "that teachers do sometimes abuse their power" as if all teachers do, even though it's not all the time. That's another point why I believe Rowling is one of those new kind of parents who believe children have as much right to talk their minds out as adults. The only problem with this wonderful view is that children may indeed deserve that right, but being young, they cannot understand all the underlying factors like adults can. Hence, as in my country nowadays, we are faced with kids who speak out their minds without thinking of all the possibilities or consequences. As a teacher, I've had lots of talks with parents (for personal knowledge) and indeed, parents these days want their children to be free in everything and especially from teachers because they were themselves beaten up or belittled by teachers. However the situation is now completely reversed: teachers are afraid of students. Still, those parents keep telling us that their little darlings are angels even though I call them to inform them they are way misbehaving in my classes. Parents nowadays do not trust teachers, and I believe Rowling is one of them since she said that "teachers" (hence, in general) abuse their power. Some do, indeed, but not all I can assure you. |
Very important: notice where Rowling places her "however". She concedes that he is not pleasant, BUT even so, we should keep on eye on him because there is more to him than what meets the eye. And what exactly meets the eye in Snape? His "bastard" attitude or his Death Eater mark. It can be one or the other or both. Difficult to say. Is she talking literally or connotatively? If literally, she means the dark mark hidden under Snape's robes. If connotatively, she means that his bad attitude is not what Snape is all about. Hence, it would precurse his being not such a bad guy after all. The only clue is that we should find a PART of what she's talking about from Book4. What part of Snape did we find about in Book4 that we didn't see before? His Death Eater status is what comes to mind. Especially since we only saw a part of the story, at the end of the book, and we were left wondering exactly what Dumbledore ordered Snape to do when he asked if he was ready. I do tend to believe it's positive in this case. |
One of our
internet correspondents wondered if Snape is going to fall in love.
Very funny indeed!! Has she not been reading fan sites or Hermione/Snape fanfictions! Bet she'd have nightmares for a year judging from her reaction to this question! ; ) Oh!!! I wish she would be clearer! That's all we want to know right? The redemptive pattern to Snape! Is it an illusion or not? Well, at least she said she couldn't answer which means we will eventually know for sure. She will keep Snape until the very end then! Yeah! However, what does she mean by "stunned" that someone asked about the redemption of Snape. Is it positive or negative? Does she mean she's stunned someone thinks Snape can have a redemptive nature to him? That this person is gullible? If so, I believe she underestimatesh her readers. Of course we were able to pick up on those hints! Why would she be stunned? That's why I'm wondering if she is so stunned because she cannot fathom the fact that someone might believe Snape is a good guy if she reserved a bad ending for him. If she did, that would explain why she feels "stunned" that someone might believe the ludicrous idea that Snape can be redemptive. On the other hand, maybe for her, Snape being a good guy is something that comes out as a big surprise. After all, she doesn't like him at all since he's such a "horrible person". Is she surprised someone uncovered her plans for book7? Like my friend, Afictionado, said: "Rowling takes great pleasure in surprising us" Hence, the surprise might not be as big as expected if we were able to uncover the truth. I wonder!!! Can't wait!! |
How on earth did you come up with all those names for people, food, spells, games, and animals? "Some of the names are invented, but I also collect unusual names and words and use them where they fit. For example, Malfoy and Voldmort are invented names. Dumbledore, on the other hand, is an Old English word meaning bumblebee. Hagrid, who by the way is one of my favorite characters, also comes from an Old English word -- hagridden -- meaning having a nightmarish night. I take names from places too. Dursley is a place in Britain as is Snape. Hedwig was a saint. The word for non-magic humans, muggles, is a twist on the English word mug, which means easily fooled. I made it into muggles because it sounds gentler. Proper, good wizards are quite fond of muggles and treat them in a kindly way." |
Again! |
20 October 1999 - Press Club SB: Why in the first book does Harry’s lightening scar flash, or when he gets his lightening scar flash, when Snap* looks at him? JKR: Snape. SB: Snape. JKR: Okay, this is a… [laughter] SB: I have a problem as well! JKR: He’s sleep deprived, he’s got five-month old twins. Um… *exasperated noise* If anyone hasn’t finished reading book one, would they please put their fingers really tightly in their ears now, if they don’t want the ending ruined? Really tightly now, cause this is a question about the ending. Um…Quirrell had the back of his head to Harry at the point when Harry looked at Snape, so someone else was looking at Harry through a certain turban. See what I mean? If you’ve read it, you understand, and if you haven’t read it, you’re going what? But that’s okay. |
Why! I had uncovered that from the beginning! No need to ask the question to Rowling! |
UNDER ALL RESERVE - The only place where I was able to get this is from Designer Potions / SS . I checked the Newsweek Web Exclusive Archive from 2000 to 2004, but to no avail. Newsweek Web Exclusice 2003 J.K. Rowling Interview Do you have favorite characters? |
I think someone made this up and sent it to the owner of the site because I am very doubtful of these affirmations. Rowling said she did not like Snape. She liked writing about him being the butt of the joke, but not like it says here. Of course, the "he's complicated and nasty" sounds charming to Snape fans, but coming from Rowling, I know from her other interviews that she finds nothing "charming" about being nasty. She's against nastiness in school, so why would she go and say that!? Why do people write these things?! If this is indeed a fake, I hope its author suffers from severe diahrea right now!! One should never publish rubish or worst, send someone rubish to be posted so as to preserve the anonymacy of the faker! |