- Contest -  
Tell me about your favourite Snape scene in
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and you could win!

- Prizes -
The chapter analysis or Snape's Journal or picture-background-design or Puppet Pals of their choice.  

- Winning Entries -

First Winner -
Requested a wallpaper (which I shall make with pleasure!)

Dear Lady Claudia,

I would have chosen the infamous scene of Snape forcing Ron and Harry to do their schoolwork, but I know that most people will choose that one. I have to say one of my favorite scenes was when Minerva, Severus, and Dumbledore were all deciding what to do about Harry Potter. I know it was one of the scenes in which they tried to make Snape seem suspicious; however, I believe it to be quite the opposite. Snape has shown concern over what has happened, the same concern he showed during Chamber of Secrets when Harry began to speak parseltongue. I believe that even though Snape has an obvious dislike for Harry Potter, Snape does understand Harry Potter's importance to the war against Voldemort. Snape also isn't heartless, and he cares for every student at Hogwarts. So, I liked that scene because he truly wanted to get to bottom of the mystery out of necessity and concern, and he knew being soft like Minerva wasn't the way to go to uncover what was going on.

    Another reason I like that scene is because Dumbledore shows his unwavering trust in Snape's judgment. You would have expected Dumbledore to agree with Minerva because it seems less cruel, but instead he agrees with Severus. It was a Dumbledore and Snape relationship moment that I always enjoy immensely.




Second Winner -
Prize: Spinner's End chapter analysis
(I'm sure many of you will be thrilled by her choice, right! ; )

While most people would probably say that their favorite GOF Snape scene was the wonderful potions closet confrontation, or the capture of Barty Crouch Jr, or even the humorous study hall scene, I'm rather fond of one of Snape's more subtle appearances. I am referring to the first task, in which Snape keeps an ever watchful eye on Harry from the audience stands.


Snape has no lines in this scene and shows up briefly only 3 or 4 times, yet to me, it once again proves how masterful Alan Rickman is when it comes to playing our beloved potions master. Without using words, without even standing from his seat, Alan conveys so much about Snape's character. When Harry first enters the arena, we see Severus looking dark and brooding as always, but as the dragon attacks, we see Snape flinch. The dragon's spiked tail collides with a large rock, barely missing Harry, and Snape has an almost pained expression on his face. This, to me, is a rare and obvious display that no matter how much Snape may hate Harry, he is concerned for the safety of his student. In contrast, if we were to see Draco Malfoy's reaction at that exact moment, there would have been no pained expression, but more likely an excited grin. Snape, who hates Potter just as much, if not more than Malfoy does, overcomes this hatred long enough to display concern.


The last time that we saw Severus in the stands watching an attack on Harry was in movie 1. As Quirrell attempted to curse Harry off of his broom, Snape was quick to react with a counter curse. This time Severus once again finds himself watching from the side lines as Potter is attacked. Only this time he can do no more than watch. Surely this is a frustrating situation for someone like Snape who usually finds a way to keep control of critical situations.


Despite Snape's concern he wouldn't be the character that we all know and love if he didn't display some kind of scorn for Potter. Harry manages to jump on his Firebolt and flies through the audience stands with the dragon in pursuit. As those who have seen the movie will remember, the dragon tares off the canopy above the audience leaving the spectators covered in debris. I couldn't help but smile at this point as we see Severus trying to support a falling Minerva McGonagall and looking extremely annoyed. He looks down at his clothes in disgust and I'm almost sure that he was silently cursing 'that blasted Potter,' for getting dirt on his lovely frock coat. Well, maybe it would be out of character to assume that he'd care so much about his robes; after all, he isn't Lockheart (thank god!) But I'm sure dear Severus would grasp at any excuse to be angry with Harry.


What little we see of Snape in this scene effectively displays his constant conflict of harboring a healthy hatred for James Potter's son, yet at the same time having a duty to protect him. Can there be any doubt of the complexity of Severus Snape?


Third Winner -

My favorite scene in this movie? Oh, how can one choose? I'd have to say where Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall and Moody are in the Headmaster's study just after Harry is announced as the fourth tri-wizard. Severus seems so smooth and brooding. Like he's trying to get a firm grip on what he thinks is happening before he speaks. And when he does, he defies Minerva and, Dumbledore ends up agreeing with him. He's just so brilliant in that scene. And I loved that the girls I was with were shocked that Albus would side with a Slytherin and not a Griffindor. It was a truly great moment for all Snape fans.

Thanks for your time!


Fourth Winner - A personalized background

While the scene with Snape soundlessly walloping the noisy children on the backs of their empty skulls was, without a doubt, one of the most comical scenes in the movie, it wasn't my favorite because Snape was just that : silent. The reason Severus Snape is my favorite character is because of his endless  supply of cunning and his sharp wit, both of which require the use of his more than capable tongue (and the use of Alan Rickman's stunning vocalizations for our listening pleasure). For this reason, my favorite scene is easily the Verituserum scene. In a flawless delivery by Rickman, we see exactly how Snape uses that wit and razor sharp tongue to his advantage. He moves seamlessly from a deceptively complimentary attitude to one of quietly understated, unmistakable velvety violence; which is easily more effective than a shout or physical blow ever could be. After he has said what he set out to say, Snape demonstrates further his control of the situation with his vehemently uttered "Do not *lie* to me," and closes the door resoundly in Potter's face, brooking no further comment and letting the boy understand precisely where he stands.  A perfect end to a brilliant scene.

